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femous orchestra @ Frauenmusikfestival 2013
Genreübergreifend, ohne kulturelle Grenzen, werden projektbezogene Formationen aus dem ständig wachsenden Pool der derzeit über 70 Künstlerinnen gebildet. Komponistinnen und Bandleaderinnen, Sängerinnen, Rapperinnen, Instrumentalistinnen, Elektronikerinnen, Performance Künstlerinnen und Regisseurinnen arbeiten gemeinsam. Konzept und Koordination liegen in den Händen von Célia Mara und Silvia Jura.
Das erste Frauenmusikfestival im Hunsrück im Jahre 1994 findet so viel Anklang, dass 1995 eine neu entstandene Gruppe von Frauen die Idee übernimmt und auf den Erfahrungen und Strukturen des ersten Frauenmusikfestivals aufbaut. Diese Gruppe organisiert – mit kleineren und größeren personellen Veränderungen - das Festival bis heute.Das Interkulturelle Frauenmusikfestival ist ein Fest, ein Fest ausschließlich von und für Frauen. Jede, die einmal dagewesen ist, kennt den Grund dafür: diese besondere, schwer in Worte zu fassende Atmosphäre von Freiheit und Offenheit.Die Musikerinnen sollen hier einen Freiraum vorfinden, den sie sonst nicht haben. Uns Organisatorinnen ist es wichtig, dass die Frauen auf der Bühne - auch mittels eigener Texte - von ihren ureigenen Sehnsüchten, von ihrem Blick auf die Welt, von ihrer Geschichte und der ihrer Kultur, von ihrer Armut und ihrem Reichtum erzählen. Damit möchten wir dazu beitragen, dass sich Frauen unterschiedlicher Kulturen und Identitäten begegnen und sich näher kommen. Hier steht der musikalische Nachwuchs neben den "Großen" auf der Bühne.Und natürlich lebt das Festival nicht allein von der Musik!
femous orchestra,
femous: waschweiber @ Theater am Spittelberg
Öffentlich Schmutzwäsche waschen – da bewegt sich einiges! Vor allem, wenn sich dazu Künstlerinnen aus verschiedenen Ländern auf der Bühne treffen und einen revolutionären Cocktail aus Wäscherinnen- und Arbeiterinnenliedern humorvoll servieren. Viele starke Stimmen, elektronische Transformationen, beeindruckende Instrumentistinnen – das ist der femous Mix, der keinEn stillsitzen lässt. Dazu gibt es Historisches und Aktuelles zu den Waschweibern, recherchiert in den Archiven dieser Welt!
unsere special guests: Ronja Räuberstochter, Laura Rafetseder! welcome
Celia Mara, Matilda Leko, Patrizia Liliana Ferrara , Véro La Reine - voices;
Andrea Fränzel - bass, Celia Mara - git, pandeiro; Edith Lettner - sax, Christina Steyskal - pads & patterns, dj; Maanila Moraes de Medeiros - sounds, visual; Ursula Schwarz - keyboards; Tran Van Anh - chello
femous Moderation & Performance: Grace Latigo, Silvia Jura
Projektleitung, Konzept, Recherche: Silvia Jura
18. Juli 2013 - 19:30
22. Juli 2013 - 19:30
femous: waschweiber @ Green & Clean
Ein Stück universeller Frauengeschichte – das sind die Lieder und Zeugnisse der Wäscherinnen, die uns vom Alltag in verschiedenen Ländern und Zeiten erzählen.
Das femous orchestra mit seinen großartigen Sängerinnen, Instrumentalistinnen und Performerinnen hat
Wäscherinnen-Lieder aus unterschiedlichen Zeiten und Kulturen zusammengetragen, die sich wie Perlen aneinander reihen und den narrativen Rahmen des Programms bilden. Ob Revolutionen, Ökologie, Generalstreiks, Missbrauch, Zwangsarbeit oder „Seitenblicke“ – die Themen der Waschweiber sind spannend und vielfältig, ein hörbarer Teppich aus Revolutionen, Klatsch und Skandalen.
Akustische Fetzen aus den Leben der Wäscherinnen, Erinnerungen an Weiß-Gewaschenes, schmutzige Vokabeln und prickelnde Sounds wurden von in die Schleudertrommel geworfen, verfärbt, geschrumpft in ausgebleichte Realitäten und schöngefärbte Ideale eingebügelt, pikant ausgebreitet, ins Rampenlicht gehängt und entsprechend kommentiert.
„Weiberg’schichten, die sich g’waschen haben“ ist ein femous Projekt und wurde im Rahmen des „WaschenMachtSound Kollektivs“ für der Wienwoche 2012 entwickelt.
Femous Waschweiber Pool:
Musikalische Leitung, Konzept: Célia Mara, Visuals, Konzept: Maanila Moraes, Sounds & Patterns: DJane Kollektiv Brunnhilde; Soundinstallation: Elisabeth Penker;
Projektleitung, Konzept, Recherche: Silvia Jura
Femous Sängerinnen: Anja Lazic (CRO), Célia Mara (BR/A), Christina Zurbrügg (CH/A), Hottensiah (KEN), Matilda Leko (SRB/A), Patrizia Ferrara (I/A/USA), Véro la Reine (CAM)
femous Moderation & Performance: Grace Latigo (SLK, UG, A - Moderation), Martha Labil (A/ Clown)
femous Musikerinnen: Andrea Frenzel (A/Bass), Célia Mara (BR/A, E-Guit., Git, Pandeiro) Christina Zurbrügg (CH/A, Accordeon) Edith Lettner (A/Saxophon), Falangee aka: Christina Steyskal (A, Pads & Patterns, DJ), Julia Siedl (A/Keyboards), Lisa Puhr (A, Posaune) Michaela Rabitsch (A, Trompete) Ursula Schwarz (A): Keyboards; Van Tranh An (VIET, Cello)
Waschsalon Green & Clean Penzing
14, Hütteldorfer Straße 295
Datum: 14.6.2013
Waschsalon Green & Clean Brigittenau
20, Klosterneuburger Str. 91
Datum: 20.6.2013
Waschsalon Green & Clean Floridsdorf
21, Leopoldauer Straße 45
Datum: 21.6.2013Facebook - Event
Anja Lazic,
Célia Mara,
Christina Zurbrügg,
femous waschweiber,
green & clean,
Maanila Moraes,
Matilda Leko,
Patrizia Ferrara,
silvia jura,
Vero la Reine,
femous: happy femous 2013!
femous: happy femous 2013!: Ein wunderbares, frauenvolles Jahr beginnt mit einem großen Wunsch: Wir wollen endlich Frauen am Dirigentinnen Pult der Neujahrskonzerte ...
Maanila Mederos de Moraes @ Waschen-Macht-Sound
Die audiovisuelle Künstlerin Vj & Dj ist Teil des Waschen-Macht-Sound Kollektivs!
Maanila Mederos de Moraes alias Ironica los culos, dj Möser, miss Ironica, Paranoironica, Persona non Grata und Deadly Nightshade...
Eine Frau mit vielen Synonymen und vielen Fähigkeiten!
Die außergewöhnliche Künstlerin wurde Rio de Janeiro geboren und ist mit 12 Jahren nach Österreich immigriert. Mit jungen 17 Jahren begann sie bereits in der Wiener Techno- Breakcore Underground Szene aufzulegen.
In ihren Arbeiten befasst sie sich mit der Kritik gegenüber der Gesellschaft und gibt Anregungen zur zwischenmenschlichen Kommunikation.
Sie benutzt für ihre Kunst verschiedene Medien wie Video, Audio, Siebdruck, Installationen, Stencils & Stickers, Illustrationen, Grafik und Fotomanipulation sowie versteckte subversive Messages im Öffentlichen Raum…
(zum Beispiel: "Nur nicht in die Augen schauen" - in U-Bahnen)
-------Schon mal eins gesehen?
Maanila Mederos de Moraes alias Ironica los culos, dj Möser, miss Ironica, Paranoironica, Persona non Grata und Deadly Nightshade...
Eine Frau mit vielen Synonymen und vielen Fähigkeiten!
Die außergewöhnliche Künstlerin wurde Rio de Janeiro geboren und ist mit 12 Jahren nach Österreich immigriert. Mit jungen 17 Jahren begann sie bereits in der Wiener Techno- Breakcore Underground Szene aufzulegen.
In ihren Arbeiten befasst sie sich mit der Kritik gegenüber der Gesellschaft und gibt Anregungen zur zwischenmenschlichen Kommunikation.
Sie benutzt für ihre Kunst verschiedene Medien wie Video, Audio, Siebdruck, Installationen, Stencils & Stickers, Illustrationen, Grafik und Fotomanipulation sowie versteckte subversive Messages im Öffentlichen Raum…
(zum Beispiel: "Nur nicht in die Augen schauen" - in U-Bahnen)
-------Schon mal eins gesehen?
Hottensiah @ Washin' Makes Sound
We proudly present our Washin' Makes Sound member from Kenia Hottensiah!!
Beautiful,sassy and musically talented Hottensiah is a young energized&optimistic singer from Kenya,East Africa.At only 4 years old,Hottensiah amused her local church community time and again by interuppting her grandfather at the pulpit,running over &starting a song or even as the curch would end a hymn,young Hottensiah was the only voice left singing the song endlessly
Her love for music&dance too was evident in her primary schooling as she took part in every singing&dancing event from Indian dances to traditional African dances.She was part of the school choir &formed her first singing group when she was 13 years.Her primary school headmistress had to write the attributes of each final student as they finished primary school &described Hottensiah as 'An active member of the drama club and a great singer capable of training a choir'.It is inspiring words& recognition's such as this that inspired Hottensiah,at a tender age, to recognize her talent &give it a go and so she did,forming another singing group in high school &at home.Straight from high school,she decided to take her music to the next level,to the world.
Born and raised in the heart of Limuru,a town near Kenya's capital city Nairobi,she attributes her love& passion for music to being surrounded by nature as she would take walks in her neighborhood to soak in the beautiful scenery of valleys of tea plantations and tiny streams& ponds tacked away in the farms.She viewed this environment as a blessing,one of nature's best gift to her spirit &it is from this source that she continuously got inspiration to find her rhythms,create her tunes, write her songs&all the while dream of how she would find the chance to penetrate the music industry in the big city,Nairobi,where access to great producers & performances was the guarantee to jump start her music career.
Through ambition,passion,discipline,hard work and focus,Hottensiah endured a number of hurdles and obstacles faced by many female musicians &women too.She had to find her way and healing through unfortunate incidents as a child and as an adult but found that healing through her happy childhood memories,especially with her dear family,her love for music and her spirituality and does not feel she’s had to bear more than her share of scars.Finding peace & happiness&a never ending smile and wanting to be an inspiration to young girls,she has remained strong willed &tenacious enough to bring her music into the world and step by step she is realizing her dreams,grateful for every part of the journey as she gets unconditional support from her family,friends& growing number of fans from all over the world.
She is one of Kenya’s fastest rising female singer who has a way with the crowd every time she gets on stage with her mellow strong voice,confidence &stage performance.Her image&strong persona clearly defines an African woman with an international touch. Her style of music can be categorized as contemporary Urban Afro as she is clearly introducing a new sound in Kenya .Her music is influenced by urban,zouk&african sounds.The lyrical content&songwriting skills found in her songs are quite memorable too& she is set to take on the African& International music industry as she sings about love,peace,justice & equality in the world.
Currently residing in Vienna,Austria,Hottensiah is recording more music &has been actively performing with her band, combining the sounds of the African percussion drums,shakers,acoustic and bass guitar, keyboard &main drums.Taking on her own name as her stage name 'Hottensiah' which means 'beautiful flower' &also the name of a flower&naming her band 'Mashariki' which is a Swahili word that means 'East' ,she introduces a taste of the music that stems from the beautiful part of the East of Africa ,just like a flower introduces the beauty of nature into this fast paced world.
When on stage,Hottensiah will get you to dance to some African moves, then have you listen to pleas of a peaceful and equal world for all,skilfully bring out the strength and ambition of a woman and even touch on the journey of hope and love that we all go through.
Hottensiah got a Kisima Nomination for her single 'Songa Mbali' in 2008 for Boomba Female and later scooped the award despite the controversies surrounding the award ceremony.
She is currently compiling her debut album “Uko Tayari…U ready?”which features artistes like Stella STL'Mwangi(Eurovision 2011 Finalist),The Mith(Klear Kut ,Uganda),Gaza(Weusi Familia) &Mr.Lenny.
She has also worked on musicals&music projects with famed artistes in the Kenyan music industry like her gospel singer sister Leeze Muchai,Eric Wainaina,Jaguah, Syd &Rufftone.
Within her short time of less than a year in Vienna,combined with her usual drive&passion she brought with her from her country, Hottensiah was soon invited to be part of the all female Femous Orchestra,a group of female musicians from all over the world in which the members bring in their cultural sound in voice or instrument.She has also managed to collaborate,start projects and work alongside famed artistes & musicians like Cornelia Pernserdorfer,Celia Mara,Blessings Nqo(Insingizi),Pascal Lopongo,Roland Guggenbichler,GhettoMan,CoalMan,Prince Zeka,Alee Thelfa,Barbara Alli,Esrap,Elvis Zuma ,Cloud Tissa&Sam Brisbe.This projects have given her the opportunity to be on acclaimed stages like Wir Sind Wien, the Kasumama Festival,the Africult Festival& many more.
Hottensiah has worked &continues to work independently with Homeboyz Studios,Ulopa Ngoma,UnderDawg Production,Still Alive Studios &Dicebox Studios.She has been signed on by VAT,a Homeboyz initiave,as her main booking agent .
For her love of communication,Hottensiah also doubles up as a journalist and radio hostess for Radio Afrika Tv located in Vienna.
See More information about Hottensiah's exciting career and keep up to date with her upcoming performances and tours in the band profile section.
Keep it Hot!!!
Beautiful,sassy and musically talented Hottensiah is a young energized&optimistic singer from Kenya,East Africa.At only 4 years old,Hottensiah amused her local church community time and again by interuppting her grandfather at the pulpit,running over &starting a song or even as the curch would end a hymn,young Hottensiah was the only voice left singing the song endlessly
Her love for music&dance too was evident in her primary schooling as she took part in every singing&dancing event from Indian dances to traditional African dances.She was part of the school choir &formed her first singing group when she was 13 years.Her primary school headmistress had to write the attributes of each final student as they finished primary school &described Hottensiah as 'An active member of the drama club and a great singer capable of training a choir'.It is inspiring words& recognition's such as this that inspired Hottensiah,at a tender age, to recognize her talent &give it a go and so she did,forming another singing group in high school &at home.Straight from high school,she decided to take her music to the next level,to the world.
Born and raised in the heart of Limuru,a town near Kenya's capital city Nairobi,she attributes her love& passion for music to being surrounded by nature as she would take walks in her neighborhood to soak in the beautiful scenery of valleys of tea plantations and tiny streams& ponds tacked away in the farms.She viewed this environment as a blessing,one of nature's best gift to her spirit &it is from this source that she continuously got inspiration to find her rhythms,create her tunes, write her songs&all the while dream of how she would find the chance to penetrate the music industry in the big city,Nairobi,where access to great producers & performances was the guarantee to jump start her music career.
Through ambition,passion,discipline,hard work and focus,Hottensiah endured a number of hurdles and obstacles faced by many female musicians &women too.She had to find her way and healing through unfortunate incidents as a child and as an adult but found that healing through her happy childhood memories,especially with her dear family,her love for music and her spirituality and does not feel she’s had to bear more than her share of scars.Finding peace & happiness&a never ending smile and wanting to be an inspiration to young girls,she has remained strong willed &tenacious enough to bring her music into the world and step by step she is realizing her dreams,grateful for every part of the journey as she gets unconditional support from her family,friends& growing number of fans from all over the world.
She is one of Kenya’s fastest rising female singer who has a way with the crowd every time she gets on stage with her mellow strong voice,confidence &stage performance.Her image&strong persona clearly defines an African woman with an international touch. Her style of music can be categorized as contemporary Urban Afro as she is clearly introducing a new sound in Kenya .Her music is influenced by urban,zouk&african sounds.The lyrical content&songwriting skills found in her songs are quite memorable too& she is set to take on the African& International music industry as she sings about love,peace,justice & equality in the world.
Currently residing in Vienna,Austria,Hottensiah is recording more music &has been actively performing with her band, combining the sounds of the African percussion drums,shakers,acoustic and bass guitar, keyboard &main drums.Taking on her own name as her stage name 'Hottensiah' which means 'beautiful flower' &also the name of a flower&naming her band 'Mashariki' which is a Swahili word that means 'East' ,she introduces a taste of the music that stems from the beautiful part of the East of Africa ,just like a flower introduces the beauty of nature into this fast paced world.
When on stage,Hottensiah will get you to dance to some African moves, then have you listen to pleas of a peaceful and equal world for all,skilfully bring out the strength and ambition of a woman and even touch on the journey of hope and love that we all go through.
Hottensiah got a Kisima Nomination for her single 'Songa Mbali' in 2008 for Boomba Female and later scooped the award despite the controversies surrounding the award ceremony.
She is currently compiling her debut album “Uko Tayari…U ready?”which features artistes like Stella STL'Mwangi(Eurovision 2011 Finalist),The Mith(Klear Kut ,Uganda),Gaza(Weusi Familia) &Mr.Lenny.
She has also worked on musicals&music projects with famed artistes in the Kenyan music industry like her gospel singer sister Leeze Muchai,Eric Wainaina,Jaguah, Syd &Rufftone.
Within her short time of less than a year in Vienna,combined with her usual drive&passion she brought with her from her country, Hottensiah was soon invited to be part of the all female Femous Orchestra,a group of female musicians from all over the world in which the members bring in their cultural sound in voice or instrument.She has also managed to collaborate,start projects and work alongside famed artistes & musicians like Cornelia Pernserdorfer,Celia Mara,Blessings Nqo(Insingizi),Pascal Lopongo,Roland Guggenbichler,GhettoMan,CoalMan,Prince Zeka,Alee Thelfa,Barbara Alli,Esrap,Elvis Zuma ,Cloud Tissa&Sam Brisbe.This projects have given her the opportunity to be on acclaimed stages like Wir Sind Wien, the Kasumama Festival,the Africult Festival& many more.
Hottensiah has worked &continues to work independently with Homeboyz Studios,Ulopa Ngoma,UnderDawg Production,Still Alive Studios &Dicebox Studios.She has been signed on by VAT,a Homeboyz initiave,as her main booking agent .
For her love of communication,Hottensiah also doubles up as a journalist and radio hostess for Radio Afrika Tv located in Vienna.
See More information about Hottensiah's exciting career and keep up to date with her upcoming performances and tours in the band profile section.
Keep it Hot!!!
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